Readers wanted!

I read an editorial in the paper this morning that quoted a Robert Kantor--who fancies himself something of an expert, though of what the editorial didn't specify--as saying the average male reads only one book past high school. The writer of the editorial, like myself, wondered what that one book was, and how many books the average female reads, since Mr. Kantor didn't mention their habits.

I don't know about anyone else, but the males I know read quite a lot, and the books they read are all over the map as far as genre or content. I guess that makes them non-average or better than average, at least in Mr. Kantor's world. It does make me wonder, though, if I asked them to name only one book they could have read since high school, what would that book be, and would it be the same book Mr. Kantor's average guys are reading?  This is all academic, of course, because Mr. Kantor, self-professed expert in male reading habits, is more than likely having a joke at our expense.

Personally, I read about two books a week, unless I'm crunching a deadline. That may or may not be more than a lot of females or right on point, though I'd like to think both women and men enjoy reading as much as I do. What writer wouldn't? However, I do have a female friend who swears she hasn't read a book since high school, which makes me wonder if it's the same book the single-book-reader guys read, and if so, does that make her an average guy? This could be a life-changing question, so if anyone knows, please drop me a line.


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