Not enough hours...

Wow, where did this week go? When I woke up at 3am Monday morning with the entire subplot for Red Awakening in my head, I thought I'd be flying along and nearly finish the book by week's end.

That hasn't happened. In fact, I haven't touched it all week. Been too busy between the day job and working on client websites. I really do have every intention of getting this book at least completely written by the first of September. It probably won't get published until October because editing, beta reading, and formatting take time, and I like to give myself a couple of weeks breathing room between writing and editing so I can approach it with new eyes. That being said, I'm still looking to buy a good day stretcher.

In the meantime, I've gone back to reading again. I don't know if it helps or hinders the creative process. When I was on a roll finishing Return of the Light, I didn't read at all and figured maybe that was why I was writing so much. Who knows, I guess it's like an athlete who associates wearing a certain pair of underwear or not shaving with winning. We'll see. At any rate, I figured I'd at least stop by here and say hi.


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