I love discovering new writers

Well, not necessarily new writers, just new to me. Take yesterday. I had just finished uploading the book trailer for Red Awakening to YouTube, and naturally I had to watch it there to make sure it translated well to that little box they give you, and when I finished watching it, all these "similar to" videos popped up like they normally do, and I happened to click on one, then another, and whoa, nearly an hour later (time does move differently on the web, doesn't it?) ended up watching one for the book Mockingbird by Chuck Wendig.

"This video is awesome!" I said to my cat, since no one else was around. I was so impressed, I posted it on my personal Facebook page--not the writing one, which I reserve for writing-type stuff only. If my meager six readers knew the kind of stuff that really populates my life, their numbers would quickly dissipate to one, maybe two--if I'm lucky. Where was I? Oh yeah.

The trailer did its job, because I suddenly had an overwhelming desire to read the book, which, as it turns out, is the second of a series, so of course I had to read the first one, Blackbird, first. So exciting finding new serieses (yeah, I know it's not a word, but how do you say the plural of series? As a writer and an English major, you'd think I would know that. Guess you'd be wrong)

But first, before I jump in too far, as I usually do, I have to check out the author's website, poke around, see what this guy is all about. I haven't even started reading the book yet, just downloaded it to my Kindle last night, but Chuck has short stories on his site, and I've been immersed in them all morning. The first one I read, This Guy, just blew me away, and they got better after that.

You know how sometimes you read an author and you just say, "I wish I could have lunch with this guy/woman, talk shop, pick their brain." Compare notes, professionally speaking of course. Though I would love to have been able to do so when I was writing Being John Bland, a book that, to this day, next to no one has read and those who have give me funny looks afterwards. Like I'd ever sit around dreaming up ways to stuff body parts in garbage bags. Come on.

Anyway, if you like your fiction a little off-beat, and that seems to be a theme with me lately (i.e., my two week immersion in The Bridge Chronicles), check out Mr. Wendig's world, Terrible Minds. And for god's sake, watch the trailer for Mockingbirds. Now that's what a book trailer should do--make you want to read the book.


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