Cover for Daddy's Kobo Tales

Okay, boys and girls, you asked for it, and here it is. The cover for the upcoming anthology, Daddy's Kobo Tales!!


  1. I can't wait for this. I'm sure it will be a great hit. Assuming it gets past the censors. I mean, an indie book with the word 'Daddy' in the title? Kobo are going going to do something drastic, like call in an exorcist.

  2. I think we should all offer it for free download on out sites and blogs as well.

  3. Perhaps make it free on the basis of a Creative Commons Licence... you know, the kind of CC license that allows all kinds of republication as long as the original authors are credited

  4. You could write a simple set of "Guidelines for Contributors" - e.g. it needs to be fun, it needs to be short, and it needs to be about Kobogeddon.
    Just so people don't send you their poems about The Woe of the Golden Daffodil.
    Also make it clear that you're not paying, and what the rights situation is.


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